Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The burden of hope

No words can describe the sea of humanity that flooded Washington’s Mall to be part of an inimitable moment in history… the adoring eyes of a father wrapping his baby in pink ski overalls, to help her brave hours of chilling cold before their hero takes the oath… the delirium roused by a Baptist preacher as he wept, proclaiming a “Messianic promise” fulfilled.

Whites, blacks, poor, rich, faithful, faithless, healthy, sick, intellectuals, greens, reds, blues, Keynesians, supply-siders… the burden of hope is immense. Hopefully not unbearable.

PS Most pictures above represent art exhibited at Manifest Hope: DC during the Inauguration weekend. (http://www.manifesthope.com/)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the last one! All of them actually, but the last one most! Thanks for putting these up